6 Elements Every Successful Web Design Should Include

For anyone running a business, it’s no secret that having a website is essential for attracting new customers, and giving them a simple way to buy your products or services, while learning more about your brand. But it can’t be just any old website.

We’ve all visited websites at some stage or another, that either don’t inspire us, aren’t easy to navigate, or don’t tell us what we need to know; and what do we usually do, under these circumstances? We leave it and go elsewhere.

Successful businesses don’t have websites that encourage users to leave before they’ve really explored what it is that they’re offering, and ideally, without buying or sharing something, too. Instead, they have invested in website design in Calgary, resulting in a fantastically effective website that focuses on at least 6 of the following elements:

  1. Visual design and layout

    What potential customers first see when they click open your website, must do something that makes them want to stay and browse. It must of course, be visually appealing, and the way in which it has been laid out, must support functionality and ease of use.

  2. Navigation

    The average website visitor doesn’t have a lot of time to spend searching through a website to find what they’re looking for, and if they don’t find it within the first few minutes, they’ll simply move on and go elsewhere. Make your website easy to navigate without too much visual clutter or confusing instructions, and you’ll find users are happy to click away and learn more, or make a purchase.

  3. Content and information

    Visuals are important in attracting users, that much is true, but a successful website is designed with more than just colors and images in mind; it must have compelling and informative content, too. 

  4. Mobile responsiveness

    Mobile devices are increasingly used by more and more of the world’s population to browse the internet and make purchases. As such, it’s absolutely imperative that when designing your businesses website, that it looks and functions as well on a mobile device such as a phone or tablet, as it does on a laptop or PC.

  5.   Swift setup

    Time is of the essence when you’ve got a new business and you want the world to know about it. Wasting time and energy trying to create your own website could result in a loss of sales, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, chances are the website won’t do your business justice, anyway.

    If you really want your website to be a hit (and fast!) you should hire a professional web design company; not only do they know what they’re doing, and will create a stylish and functional website without hesitation, but they’ll do it swiftly and get it up and running and live so that you can start taking orders.

  6. Branding

    If your website doesn’t accurately reflect your brand and its purpose, mission or sentiment, it isn’t worth having, and you’ll soon find users who are simply confused, misinformed, or worse still, uninterested in your website and what your business has to offer. By working with a web design firm in Calgary, you can communicate your message perfectly to users and potential customers, and attract exactly the right type of audience to help make your business a success.

If your website is outdated and not functioning at its best, or you don’t even have a website, there’s no better time than now to take action. With websites playing such a crucial role in a business’s success, and plenty of great design companies waiting to help you out, investing in your online presence is always worth it, and when you get it right, it could prove a real turning point for your brand.